Thelma Sykes is a printmaker striving to capture the patterns of the world around her. She finds deep similarities between forms that seem otherwise unrelated. Although field sketches of Goldeneye went into the making of ‘Overtures and Undercurrents’ the inspiration for the composition came from wood grain and the way it resembles a rippled wake in water. Solid and liquid - yet the same pattern. The characteristic wood chosen for one block is that of Red Pine.
Thelma Sykes
Thelma Sykes is a printmaker striving to capture the patterns of the world around her. She finds deep similarities between forms that seem otherwise unrelated. Although field sketches of Goldeneye went into the making of ‘Overtures and Undercurrents’ the inspiration for the composition came from wood grain and the way it resembles a rippled wake in water. Solid and liquid - yet the same pattern. The characteristic wood chosen for one block is that of Red Pine.