Leeds Postcards
Leeds Postcards was set up in 1979 with a mission to inform and educate the masses about political, environmental and social issues. It produces a wide range of punchy, attractive and meaningful postcards; ideal for displaying your ethics, beliefs and opinions at work or home. Leeds Postcards also uses environmentally friendly printing; they use recycled paper-stock and soya based inks. So, share your thoughts, raise awareness or send one to a friend!
Leeds Postcards
Leeds Postcards was set up in 1979 with a mission to inform and educate the masses about political, environmental and social issues. It produces a wide range of punchy, attractive and meaningful postcards; ideal for displaying your ethics, beliefs and opinions at work or home. Leeds Postcards also uses environmentally friendly printing; they use recycled paper-stock and soya based inks. So, share your thoughts, raise awareness or send one to a friend!